

Coatly is Atlanta’s bath-and-groom destination that’s redefining the dog-salon experience by focusing on your dog’s coat care— ensuring their health, happiness, and holistic well-being.


Of course, you’re here for the cut, too, and Coatly has you covered. Our passionate, highly trained staff members understand each dog as both a breed and a unique individual, and can execute just the cut you want to keep your pup looking finely tail-ored and their spirits high.

Coatly provides the bath-and-groom experience you’ve been looking for: Friendly and knowledgeable staff, a dog-first culture, a modern, clean, and welcoming facility, and above all, the care, attention to detail, and personal experience your dog needs to live their best life.

Our name says it all— at Coatly, we understand the importance of keeping your dog’s coat fresh and pristine—for them, and for you.

A regularly maintained coat—which includes bathing and grooming— soothes your pup, heals their skin, and makes them look and smell better for all the cuddles.

That’s why we put a special emphasis on our personalized bath experience. You select the shampoo, conditioner, finishing scent, and bandana for your dog—a truly scent-sational journey, if you will.

In each choice, you’re in control, because you make the best decisions for your dog. That’s part of our highly communicative experience that starts at booking, continues when you walk through the door and are greeted at reception, and follows through with regular updates on the process and even an Instagram area for glamour shots.





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