Floataway Café
A long-time neighborhood staple, Floataway has been serving bistro-inspired fare to a loyal crowd for more than a decade. And as part of Chef Anne Quatrano’s formidable Atlanta empire, Treebird jumped at the chance to supply menu design, updated logos, a new website, holiday graphics, business cards, and external signage. As with all things Chef Annie, we were given the freedom to explore, and the results made an Atlanta mainstay all the more noticeable.
Floataway Café is another culinary experience curated by one of Atlanta’s top Chefs Anne Quatrano. Floataway’s dishes are prepared with great precision and thought for each season using the freshest ingredients from Summerland Farm. Treebird has worked on the branding, positioning, and graphic design for all of Anne Quatrano’s restaurants - so it was no surprise when we were asked to run the Floataway social account.
Turning her one-of-a-kind dishes into thumb-stopping content for the foodies in and around Atlanta to enjoy is one of our favorite daily tasks, though it often makes us hungry!
Social Media Stats:
Sales Increase: During the pandemic, small businesses like Floataway were unable to operate in the same manner as before. Anne Quatrano didn’t get discouraged she got innovative. Floataway started offering to-go and curbside pick-up and created specials for families and friends to enjoy together until their doors could open again. Hundreds of pizzas were sold to hungry customers in 2020.
Branding | Signage | Collateral | Website | Social Graphics / Management