Why Should a Restaurant Rebrand?

Making the decision to rebrand is often difficult for restaurant owners. You’ve given so much to your current brand that the thought of changing it might sound scary. However, the reality is that the restaurant industry is highly competitive and ever changing. Being able to recognize that your brand is ready for an update - and act on it - will keep you from falling behind. Here are some of the main reasons why a restaurant should consider a rebrand:

Market Repositioning

If you’re looking to reposition yourself in the market, a rebrand could be just the thing to help you secure your spot. For example, if you now want your cozy pâtisserie to turn into an upscale wine bar in the evening, some changes may be in order.

Negative Reputation

Has your restaurant received negative press? Rebranding can help you distance yourself from any issues and provide an opportunity to start fresh and begin rebuilding trust with your audience. New name, new look, new you.

Outdated Image 

If your restaurant has an outdated interior, logo, and overall brand, it might be time for a rebrand to remain competitive. Modernization of these elements will appeal to consumer preference and reflect current trends.

Concept or Menu Change 

A menu overhaul or change to your general concept could be cause for a rebrand. It helps convey to existing and potential customers that there has been a transformation and can mitigate any confusion amongst those familiar with your current brand. 

If you know it’s time for a rebrand, we’d love to work with you to create something new and wonderful that still speaks to the sentimentality you feel for your old branding.


How Great Restaurant Branding Makes Up for Other Deficiencies