Finding Your Way Into The Algorithms Of Social Media

Are you trying every creative idea you can think of and still not getting views? Or what about constantly posting and not noticing any new followers? Today, we are going to talk about how content performs on different platforms and a few tips on quickly gaining attention of your followers. 


Content creation is difficult at times. It may seem like you’re out of ideas or not loving the ideas you have. Many businesses even struggle to begin with content creation and marketing. That is why Treebird Branding is here to help you with our branding and content services. 

One key start is a mindset change: learn to practice patience with your content. It’s hard to tell what’s working and what’s not in regard to social media content without simply giving it time to perform. A short video posted today could get thrown into the algorithms of TikTok or Instagram reels and gain hundreds of thousands of views overnight. However, imagine if you had lost hope after a few hours and deleted the video. You would have never gotten to see the number of people viewing your video, account, website and other social channels. Social media works in crazy ways, and that one video could change your life. 

It could even be time to try out new platforms. Did you know that Facebook has over four billion visitors each month and Pinterest has over 450 million? Consider giving your focus to a new platform! Make sure to have a solid plan with objectives and goals in order to get a good start on your social media strategy. The plan you create needs to properly align with your overall marketing efforts and mission. 


Here are some tips on seeing more success on your social media channels. 

  1. Engage with your followers. 

After-all, one aspect that the majority of social media users love is the “social” part. This means trying your best at engaging with your followers. It is important to create good content, but if you are not creating a community and relationships with your followers while doing so, it is less effective. Engaging with your followers doesn’t have to be a stressful task. It can be as simple as liking comments or responding with a few words. For example, if you post a picture of a new product you are selling, and one of your followers comments something along the lines of  “I love that! So cute!” Take a few seconds to respond back with a line like “It can be yours today” in order to influence a purchase and acknowledge the comment. 

  1. Be consistent and considerate with your posting.

One of the best ways to “get to know” your followers is to recognize when they are active. This is an easy solution to find out because Facebook tells you plainly what time your followers are most active. This does not mean to only post at that specific time; however, it could be helpful! 

Now the tricky part is knowing how your specific content will be placed in the algorithm of your chosen social media platform. Let’s use Youtube as an example. Maybe your business is creating Question & Answer videos or fun behind-the-scenes videos. According to a study done by Greg Jarboe, “YouTube’s search and discovery systems tackle this challenge by paying close attention to: What viewers watch. What they don’t watch. How much time do they spend watching? What do they share and like?” For this reason, it is important to figure out what videos of yours are getting the most views and what is the duration of those videos?” Along with Youtube, there are a few different types of algorithms just within the one platform. There are “YouTube search, up next, homepage, and YouTube short videos.” The trial and error method could be your best friend when seeing what kind of content does well with your followers. When speaking of algorithms, it is cool to note that TikTok actually “presents a stream of videos (under #ForYou) curated to each user’s interests, making it easy for a user to find content and creators they love.” The best part about that type of feed is that it gives your followers access to a customized feed. This is good for you because it is another place for people to see your content without having to promote it. 


Don’t have thousands of followers? Don’t worry. “Neither follower count nor whether the account has had previous high-performing videos are direct factors in the recommendation system,” says TikTok. In fact, many TikTok accounts perform well without thousands of followers because TikTok will continue to push your video the more people like it.

The key is to grab attention quickly. Especially with videos, not many people will watch a 7-minute video without being interested in the first 30 seconds. A few ways to grab attention is by starting with a question. You may remember this piece of advice from a middle school English class! Hook the reader in, or in this case, a viewer. Try to offer something useful to them. Do you know something they don't know about social media or a certain product? A popular phrase that performs well in videos is “did you know that…?” Any content that adds to someone’s knowledge or well-being is worth creating. 


Call Us Today for Help With Your Content! 

At Treebird Branding, we understand the importance of creating good content. If you are looking for a company that can help with your content creation to further engage your audience and provide value to them then Treebird is the company for you. Our team of professional experts can work with your business to help create those lasting relationships. Give us a call today to learn more. 


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